Do you know what you want”¦I mean really know what you want?

 Will you do whatever it takes to get what you want and at what cost? That’s a big question and in order to answer it we must first understand our values!

Do you believe what you want is out of your hands”¦You have no choice in the matter? If you do the following exercise is not for you.

If you can get to the place of “knowing what you value in life”, you can get what you want-It is that simple! Can you name your values off the tip of your tongue? I have found that most of the people I encounter, do not know what they value. Consequently, the by-product of not knowing is not having a “choice” in what they want.

Sometimes we settle for the status quo because it appears to be easier. The story of the person who wanted to finish school, wanted to be a doctor, didn’t want to be a fulltime mom and wanted to be doing something other than what they are doing is timeless and sometimes sad. Especially sad for the individual that isn’t at the point in life they want to be.

When human beings “settle” for things, their values get covered up. When values are covered-resentment, complacency, and settling soon follow. We make up excuses not to s-t-r-e-t-c-h ourselves into the full potential we were intended to be.

Now is the time to eliminate the excuses? The following exercise is to help you find your values. Knowing what you value in life, can get what you want-It is that simple! Enjoy uncovering the real you and using the information to take you wherever it is you should be!


Jerry Haack


From the list below, select your top 10-15 values. Rank them in order of priority.


Accomplishment                      Accuracy                                  Acknowledgment        

Adventure                                Aesthetics                                Authenticity                

Beauty                                      Certainty                                 Clarity                                       

Collaboration                           Community                              Compassion

Competition                             Comradeship                           Connection                 

Contribution                            Creativity                                 Curiosity                                  

Dignity                                     Directness                               Diversity                     

Elegance                                  Empowerment                         Excellence

Exploration                              Focus                                       Free Spirit                   

Freedom Choice                      Full Self- Expression               Growth                                

Harmony                                  Health/Well ““Being                  Honesty                      

Humor                                     Independence                          Integrity

Intimacy                                  Irreverence                              Joy                              

Lack of Pretense                      Leadership                               Loyalty                        

Mastery                                         Magic                            Meaning                                              

Moderation                              Nature                                      Nurturing

Orderliness                              Participation                            Partnership                 

Peace                                       Performance                            Personal Power                      

Physical Movement                  Powerful                                  Privacy                        

Productivity                             Recognition                             Resilience

Resolute/Resolve                    Resourcefulness                      Responsibility             

Risk Taking                              Romance                                  Serenity                      

Service                                     Spirituality                               Success                                   

Tenacity                                   To Be Known                           Tradition                  

Tranquility                               Trust                                        Vitality                        


How Well Am I Honoring My Values?

(Print out as many pages as is needed. Please use one form per value.)

List values

Honoring Score (scale from 1-10    1= poorly;  10=fully)
Obstacles to honoring value?
Strength of the obstacle (scale from 1-10     1= extremely weak;   10= extremely strong)




How Well Am I Honoring My Values?

(Print out as many pages as is needed. Please use one form per value.)

List values

Honoring Score (scale from 1-10    1= poorly;  10=fully)
Obstacles to honoring value?
Strength of the obstacle (scale from 1-10     1= extremely weak;   10= extremely strong)